sasori is kind if hard to beat but if you look up some pics of him with no shirt and he has a simble on his chest i havn't figured out what it means but stab him through that thing and that should kill other than that that's all i know
I had the same problem. Here's how I beat him. First, when they all surround you, aim for the ones your partner is weak to. Then take out the ones your weak to. Now you should only have the easy 1s left. Take out Wigglytuff LAST! He is the stupidest because he only uses his normal attack or some other weak move. If this still isn't helping, attach and Oran berry to all your Pokemon on the last floor of the forest.
Note: You can make your partner only use certain attacks! Look at partner's moves and you should notice a check next to them. Click on it and a menu should pop up. Click un-check to make your partner stop using that move!
The cast of Beat Boxing Grand Master Sock - 2004 includes: Larry Cedar as Grand Master Sock
You have to beat Dialga first, then you have to beat the grand master of all things bad (wiglituff and his guild except for bidoof).
Yes, easily. The grand master is none other than your guild members and they are surprisingly weak. I beat them at level 43.
you win a MASTER BALL!
you need to beat the grand master at the NEW COLOSSEUM.
The cast of Beat Boxing Grand Master Sock - 2004 includes: Larry Cedar as Grand Master Sock
You have to beat Dialga first, then you have to beat the grand master of all things bad (wiglituff and his guild except for bidoof).
Yes, easily. The grand master is none other than your guild members and they are surprisingly weak. I beat them at level 43.
You have to beat the grand master of all bad things in the MYSTIFYING FOREST(14 floors).
first you beat dialga then you beat the grand master of all things bad. AKA wigglytuff and the giude. but you and your partner cant evolve.
yes you can
You get a trophy.
Easy! What you have to do is this. First, you have to beat dialga. You HAVE to. Second, once you return to the guild, they will talk about how you will graduate from the guild if you beat the grand master of all things bad. Chatot and the guild members and leader (sorry forgot how to spell name) will tell you where to go and what else to do. And if you beat the grand master of all things bad, then you will graduate from the guild! (P.S. the grandmaster of all things bad also has helpers. Well that means that you will have to battle not just one pokemon, but at least about 9 pokemon) I already graduated from the guild.
you win a MASTER BALL!
I recommend that you choose to be a Lucario and use Focus punch when he is a tile away, then he should move forward, then it will hit for about 300-700 damage, depending on your level. But if he is right in front of you then you should consider linking 3 moves: Endure, Force palm and bite, OR Force palm, bite and Brickbreak.(The TM)
beat the game and he is not in it. master chiefs story happens about 20-30 year later
you beat master hand. but in hard, very hard, and intense and do it under 9 minutes you beat master hand and crazy hand.