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I believe you obtain an unown, or they're incompatible.

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nope it has no gender

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Q: What happens if you try to breed ditto with Unown?
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If you breed Ditto with unown do you get badegg?

No. Its totally possible to breed unowns. you only get a bad egg if you use too many cheats at once on ar/gameshark or try and breed a legendary with another Pokemon e.g: another legendary or ditto. Just bacause a pokemons got no gender doesn't mean you cant breed it, i mean, look at ditto.

What can you breed with an Espeon in Pokemon platinum?

try breeding it with a ditto.

How do you breed Venusaur and Blastoise?

Try using a Ditto, if you have one

Can you breed Milotic with Ditto?

You can breed almost any Pokemon with Ditto except: a legendary Pokemon (no sign). Also sometimes you might have gotten the wrong Ditto because I have two Ditto's: one only mates with guys and the other only with girls. So you might want to try different Ditto's if the one you have does not mate with the Pokemon you want it to.

How do you breed a male castform?

if it has a gender, breed it with a ditto then you will get a castform egg. If no gender, you can't breed it at all and don't even try because it won't work.

When do you try to breed?

when ever you either want another of a rare Pokemon.... breed it with a ditto... or you just want to get another of a Pokemon you like... or if you getting Celebi..... Chikorita breed it with an alakazam

Can you breed a dratini with a Ditto?

I think u need your dratini to be a dragonair, then do so. Try to have a male dragonair, since male pokemon are easier to breed. BUT U CAN DEFFENENTLY BREED TO GET A DRATINI!!!!!

Can you breed a metagross with a Ditto to get a beldum?

Yes, I think so even do Metagross is a genderless thing. You should try it to find out.

Is it easy to breed the latis?

you cant breed legendary. only with a glitch but its tricky to do and you may lose the Pokemon you try to breed ok who ever wrote that is the biggest jack ever you can all u need is a ditto and it will breed with ease

Can you breed tyrogue?

No however if you get tyrouge to Lv 20 and evolve him/her you may try again at the daycare with a ditto and you will receive another tyrouge. :)

You put your Ditto in the day care centere with dusknoir now it does not breed with other Pokemon?

Sounds like your Ditto may need to stretch its legs. Try taking the Ditto out of the daycare and leveling him up, this will also build up his happiness. Then when you place Ditto back in the daycare you should be able to continue breeding.

Can you breed a mew in Pokemon?

Not to my knowledge but if you have emerald you can duplicate it. Mew is a legendary Pokemon that is not bredable. It does not have a gender either. you could always try a ditto.