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nothing............. you just caught all the Pokemon congratulations

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Q: What happens after you get all 493 Pokemon in Pokemon platinum?
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What are all the Pokemon on platinum?

There are 493 and I am not going to list them all here!

How do you get all 493 Pokemon in platinum?

the easiest way is to hack.

Is there an Action replay codes for all Pokemon in platinum?

No i wish there was buuuttttttttttttt!! there is a code for ALL!! AND I MEAN ALL! 210 Pokemon for the pokedex and!!! PLUS!!! ALL!!! 493!!! Pokemon for the nationdex!!! :D or i think there is a code for all Pokemon in platinum? maybbbeee?? well i have all 493 Pokemon from my action reply dsi

List of Pokémon in Pokémon platinum?

Check on the pokedex. All 493 Pokemon are catchable in Platinum.

Which versions you have to play to get all 493 Pokemon?

Pokemon Diamond,Pokemon Pearl,pokemon platinum,pokemon heart gold and soulsilver.

You have all 493 Pokemon in platinum but what do you do now?

Just raise all of them to level 100 and after that just doodle.

Is Pokemon 491 492 and 493 needed to complete the national dex in platinum?

yes, otherwise you wouldn't have all of the Pokemon

What are all of the Pokemon in the Pokemon platinumpokedex?

After seeing all of the Pokemon in the platinum pokedex (250 I think) and beating the elite four. you can get the national pokedex which contains all 493 Pokemon

What happens when you catch all unknows Pokemon platinum?

nothing happens

Does Pokemon platinum have all region and 493 Pokemon mixed into on game?

you can go to all the regions but the bad side is you must beat your rival 2000-2700 to get all of the regionshope this helped!!!

Is there a Pokemon ROM on the PC where you can catch all 493 Pokemon?

There is a patch for Pokemon Emerald with all the 1st, 2nd and 3rd pokemon. Nothing with all the 493 yet

Can you get all 493 Pokemon in soul silver and do their sprites look different?

No you can not get all 493 Pokemon in just that game... if you want to get all 493 you have to get migrate some of the Pokemon from the previous games like pearl, platinum, emerald and so on... ( not including the GB color games). Some Pokemon, like arceus and celibi, you'll have to go to events in order to get them. For Mew and manaphy you have to get Pokemon ranch (if you have a wii, if you don't... your out of luck) Yes their sprites look different ^-^