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At first Nymphadora Tonks had agreed not to participate in the battle of Hogwarts but was unable to leave her husband. When she arrived at Hogwarts she was informed by Aberforth that Lupin was seen duelling Antonin Dolohov and she went off to find him.

During the battle Lupin was killed by Dolohov in the Main Courtyard, as his screams were heard. His death was avenged by Filius Flitwick who defeated Dolohov

Tonks was killed by her aunt, Bellatrix Lestrange, in the third of their duels. Her death was avenged by Molly Weasley who killed Bellatrix.

Both of their bodies where laid out next to eachother in the Great Hall.

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13y ago

Most likely because Bellatrix, her murderer, was instructed by Voldemort to "Prune her family tree". Bellatrix was in love with Voldemort so she naturally listened and tried as hard as she possibly could to kill her niece.

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13y ago

They both died at the Battle of Hogwarts

Lupin was killed by Dolohov - and Tonks by Bellatrix Lestrange

This is just after their baby (teddy) is born

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13y ago

Nymphadora Tonks was killed in the battle at Hogwarts at the end of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. She was killed by her aunt Bellatrix Lestrange.

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11y ago

They were both killed in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.

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8y ago

yes- to remind us that war tears families apart-an echo to harry potter's parents' death.

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10y ago

Remus Lupin was killed during the war in The Deathly Hallows, it doesn't mention how he died in the book or the movie.

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12y ago

It's a war, people die. J.K. Rowling decided to kill them off to show that in battles good people die too.

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Yes. Remus Lupin was killed by Antonin Dolohov while Nymphadora Tonks was killed by Bellatrix Lestrange.

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They were in love.

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Q: Why did Remus Lupin marry Nymphadora Tonks?
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Did Remus Lupin marry Nymphadora Tonks?


Why did Remus Lupin marry Tonks?

They married and had a son together so we can assume they kissed.

Did Remus Lupin really marry Nymphadora Tonks?

Yes, Lupin married Tonks between the sixth and seventh book.

Who did Nymphadora Tonks marry?

is the person Nymphadora Tonks loves and gets married to. The two were married in the summer of 1997, and Tonks fell pregnant shortly after. She gave birth to a son, Teddy, shortly after Easter in 1998.

When did Remus Lupin marry Nymphadora Tonks?

Somewhere in the summer of 1997, also known as the beginning of the 7th book, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.

Who did Remus Lupin marry?

Remus Lupin married Nymphadora Tonks. The couple had a baby together before they were killed in the Deathly Hallows. In the epilogue, we learned that their son became close to Harry and his family.

Is Draco Malfoy Severus Snape's goddson?

No, he's not. He makes the Unbreakable Vow with Narcissa Malfoy, promising to watch over Draco and help him with his task (killing Dumbledore), and to kill Dumbledore himself if Draco can't do it. But he is never appointed godfather to Draco.

Important events in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows?

: Scrimgeour dies : Harry kills voldermort : Lupin and Tonks have a baby : Harry marry's Ginny and has 4 kids (i think) : Harry is a horcrux : Dobby dies : Bill & fleur get married

Does Harry Potter get married in the last movie?

Yes , at the end of the book/movie he marries ginny weasly

Who are all the people closest to Harry Potter?

1. His best friends are Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger. These two later marry, and it is implied that Harry will also be close to their children, Rose and Hugo. 2. Rubeus Hagrid, the school gamekeeper, is a very close adult friend to the young Harry. 3. Albus Dumbledore, the headmaster of Hogwarts, becomes Harry's personal mentor. 4. In his second year, Harry becomes close to the whole Weasley family. Ron's parents treat him like a nephew, and Ron also has five brothers, three of whom later marry and have families of their own. 5. Sirius Black, Harry's godfather and guardian, appears in the third book. 6. Remus Lupin, another father-figure, is Harry's teacher in the third book. He reappears in the fifth book as a personal friend, and eventually marries another friend, Nymphadora Tonks. Harry becomes their son Teddy's godfather, and after their death, he helps take care of Teddy. 7. In the fifth book, Harry begins to notice Ron's sister Ginny, whom he later marries. Their children are James, Albus and Lily. 8. Neville Longbottom and Luna Lovegood are two schoolmates whom Harry does not notice initially, but by the sixth book he has come to appreciate them as two of his best friends. 9. Harry's animal-friends include his white owl, Hedwig; Dumbledore's phoenix, Fawkes; and the hippogriff Buckbeak. Other animal characters always found in the background of his life are Ron's owl Pigwidgeon and Hermione's cat Crookshanks.

Does teddy lupin marry victoire Weasley?

We don't really know what happens in the future for Teddy and Victoire. Hopefully they will have stayed together and had awesome part veela metamorphmagus children, but unless J.K tells her fans, then we'll never know for certain.

What happened to the weasley's?

in the end... arthur- survives hogwarts battle (bitten by voldemort's snake nagini in book/film 5) molly- survives hogwarts battle charlie- survives hogwarts battle bill- bitten by werewolf fenrir greyback but survives marry fleur dreacour and survives hogwarts battle Percy- returns to family after being a ministry of magic freakoid Fred- dies in hogwarts battle george- loses and ear in book 7/ film7.1 finds it hard to reover from Fred's death but marries Angelina ex girlfriend/quidditch captain Ron- marries hermionie after surviving hogwarts battle. they have 2 children Hugo and rose Ginny-marries harry an has 3 children- James, albus severus and lily and has a god child-teddy lupin(lupin and tonks' child but the parents die in hogwarts battle