Genre is fiction
The genre for the Fallen by Paul Langan is realistic fiction (realistic fiction is where the story has characters a plot a mood theme and stuff like that
darcy did not have sex with everyone read the story
The first one he wrote was The Bully.
does Paul Langan have kids
Genre is fiction
The genre for the Fallen by Paul Langan is realistic fiction (realistic fiction is where the story has characters a plot a mood theme and stuff like that
darcy did not have sex with everyone read the story
The first one he wrote was The Bully.
No that's me who wrote it
Paul Langan is still alive.
does Paul Langan have kids
The race of Paul Langan is the race for a cure
Paul Langan..
who is the antagonist in the brothers in arms by paul langan
When Tyray Hobbs wanted to shoot Darrell Mercer.