Joey King is a/an Actress
Joey King lives in the usa
Its_still_a_secret!">Its still a secret!I was wondering.... I was watching a video of youtube were Joey shows us her pets and when she hugs her sister she calls her Amy..... I bet her name is Amy!
Joey King has parent mother Jamie King. I not sure who her father is.
Yes, Joey King is left-handed.
StarBucks in SF
Nick's favorite drink from Starbucks is a green tea fruppicino.
Go to a Starbucks in town, order a drink, pay with your money, and enjoy.
Joey King is a/an Actress
Joey King was born on July 30, 1999
Joey King lives in the usa
Joey King's Twitter username is JoeyLittleKing.
i believe it is fat and sugar free latte from starbucks.
Its_still_a_secret!">Its still a secret!I was wondering.... I was watching a video of youtube were Joey shows us her pets and when she hugs her sister she calls her Amy..... I bet her name is Amy!
starbucks drink and food anything!
Joey King has parent mother Jamie King. I not sure who her father is.