Mike Wally goes by Wally, and Wally Boom Boom.
Wally Floody went by Wally the Tunnel King.
Wally Clune died in 1998.
In order to fing the real wally, 1.)Find a wally with black glasses 2.)Look Around him 3.)You'll see another wally holding a bone(which is the real treat for woof)
Wally Hilgenberg was born on September 19, 1942, in Marshalltown, Iowa, USA.
He is by the huge crack on the stage
wheres wally
send me nudes
He's on the lefthand page near the bottom to the left of the two white shields with crosses on them.
he's in the upper right corner just below the brazillian flag. have fun!
he wheres both
there is a top gear annual 2009 and 2010 theres also a top gear magazine out every month and there is a wheres stig book as a copy of he classic wheres wally. there is now a childrens magazine as well
its a personal opinion, but i say red
she wheres a funky leopard coustume
Matthew mcgrory wheres a size 25
I believe she wheres "circle" lenses they make your eyes appear . You can order them online.