Tia Walker was born on June 16, 1969, in Seattle, Washington, USA.
There are several cities named "London" in the US . You need to be more specific if you mean a US city or the British. There are also several people by the name of John Walker.
Walker Evans died on April 10, 1975, in New Haven, Connecticut, USA.
The W in his name is Walker
Richard Yarrow was born on May 20, 1912, in London, England, UK.
Walker Todd died in 1840.
George Walker Weld was born in 1840.
Frederick Walker - painter - was born in 1840.
David Davis Walker was born in 1840.
Francis Amasa Walker was born on 1840-07-02.
The Tower of London - novel - was created in 1840.
West London Synagogue was created in 1840.
During the 1840's the residents of London suffered from influenza, cholera, typhoid fever, typhus, small pox and scarlet fever. Cholera and influenza ravaged London consistently from the 1830's to the late 1840's.
London would have been extremely crowded and dirty in 1840, since it was during the Industrial Revolution. The city was poor on hygiene, and many people were ill.
Tia Walker was born on June 16, 1969, in Seattle, Washington, USA.
There are several cities named "London" in the US . You need to be more specific if you mean a US city or the British. There are also several people by the name of John Walker.