arcues looks like this
Looks like it, but no. Its actually Scott Glenn, who looks like a clone of Leonard Nimoy.
she looks naked and not virgin she looks naked and not virgin
He Looks like a man.
it looks like chocolate fudge
Fraser Island looks like a big piece of land in the middle of the ocean covered with white sand dunes, rain forests and long sandy beaches.
the people on fraser island are the same as any other australians.
he is in his gym like a normal gym leader. he is not like misty or clair.
New Caledonia because Fraser thought it looked much like the Scottish Highlands.
It looks like 18,000,000It looks like 18,000,000It looks like 18,000,000It looks like 18,000,000
It looks like the mouth of a fish.
one looks like a zombie, one looks like a floating volcano,one looks like a hampster,one looks like a rabbit, one looks like a furry monster,and one looks like a pink floating cherry
i doint knowabout dumb quetions but if your talking about dumb ansers then here is a agsambele my mum ansered is brendan fraser hot this was her anser i qite like bendan fraser as an actor and he looks hot in the mummy trilogy and George of the jungle but oh my god have you seen fury vengans? good acting from fraser as usaula but dam hes u.g.l.y bad haircut and fat belly eww i agree with the first bit but the second bit was dumb who agrees so doint listen
Wool looks fluffy and soft. It looks like a cloud.
We don't know what he really looks like but we believe he looks like a dragon.
The symbol that looks like a star is called an asterisk. It looks like this *.