Shedinja's wonder guard prevents all hits that aren't supper affective against it from doing any damage. With Shedinja, however, any hit that is super effective will make it faint without fail, being that it has only 1 HP.
So far only Shedinja has the ability Wonder Guard.
Spiritomb cannot have the Wonder Guard ability.
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It is impossible to teach wonder guard to a Pokemon, even for action replay because wonder guard is a ability, which cannot be changed. Only shedninja has the ability. Whoever says that a Pokemon other than shedninja has wonder guard, they are lying.
No Pokemon with wonder guard is an abilty that prevents non super effective moves to effect your Pokemon
So far only Shedinja has the ability Wonder Guard.
Spiritomb cannot have the Wonder Guard ability.
Either you'd have to wait for it to use Struggle, or use a pokemon that knows a move that would poison the Shedinja. Shedinjas can still be poisoned. Chances are one of your pokemon would know a flying, rock, ghost, or fire type move.
The ability wonder guard means that attacks that are only super effective on the Pokemon hit it.
It is not possible to get the ability wonder guard on a Squirtle. Squirtle is a water type of Pokemon.
99000900 08767453
It is impossible to teach wonder guard to a Pokemon, even for action replay because wonder guard is a ability, which cannot be changed. Only shedninja has the ability. Whoever says that a Pokemon other than shedninja has wonder guard, they are lying.
No Pokemon with wonder guard is an abilty that prevents non super effective moves to effect your Pokemon
Not possible!
There is no Action Replay code to hit a Pokemon with Wonder Guard. Simply get a Pokemon with the ability "Mold Breaker" (ex. Cranidos). Mold Breaker negates the effects of your enemy's ability which means that Wonder Guard won't work against it.
u can only get it with shedinja