When you fall off a cliff. Obviously!Ans 2.The first answer may be obvious, but that doesn't necessarily make it right.The usual meaning of 'a cliff fall' is when some part of the cliff fell. In some places pieces of cliff fall off more often than people fall over the cliff.
Cameron de Rooy did.
When she fell off the cliff
her step-mother was the queen who was also the witch who got chased off the edge of a cliff to teach her a mean lesson about putting people to sleep for great amounts of time.
He was in jellyfish fields and he fell off a cliff then his brain was replaced by brain coral.
You KNEW it was a Ford when you bought it !!!!! (Hint, PUSH it off a cliff, driving it off a cliff will cause severe pain and injuries........)
Drive it off a cliff.
They drive their car off a cliff.
you drive him off a cliff like the native monkeys did to bananas
Drive your car off of a cliff
drive it off of a cliff onto rocks!
Just drive it off a cliff... Its POINTLESS. Unless your GHEY.
Only off a cliff; if your differential siezes your rear end falls off a millisecond later.
Drive it off of an extremely high cliff, or drop it from a cargo plane. www.driftmotion.com
with your brain use your common sense crazy
bite the exhaust off and drive it off a cliff.. then claim off the insurance that an elephant sucked you up and threw your off the white cliffs of dover.