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Q: What does it mean to sleep like a sailor?
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When does sailor eldritch's son get put to sleep in Pokemon platinum?

The Sailor's Son goes to sleep after you have defeated the Elite Four and obtained the National Dex.

Why does Robinson crusoe sleep in a hammock?

because he was a sailor

What is an old sailor called?

If you mean an old name for a sailor, try Jack Tar. If you mean a name for an old sailor, try an old salt.

What does slept like a log mean?

It means to sleep very hard or in simpler terms "sleep like a baby".

What does sleep walking mean?

Sleep walk is just like sleep talking, except you are walking. When you sleep talk you are walking in your sleep. You do not have the slightest hint that you are sleep walking. For you are in deep sleep.

What does that mean if the moon kingdom is shown when Sailor Moon is using her attack in Sailor Moon S?

It's just saying that she was from the Moon Kingdom. Sailor Moon S didn't really have anything to do with the Moon Kingdom like the first 2 seasons

Who is the youngest girl sailor in the world?

if u mean sailor scout then its chibi chibi

What does a skilled sailor mean?

To be strand

What does it mean when a guy asked you how you sleep?

If a guy asks you how you sleep it means that he has strong feelings for you and is trying to get you to like him.

What does it mean when a guy asks you how you sleep?

If a guy asks you how you sleep it means that he has strong feelings for you and is trying to get you to like him.

What does 'swears like a sailor' mean?

Using bad words, fluently. A similar expression is 'cursing a blue steak'.

Who is the eldest Sailor Scout?

you might think it is sailor moon, but it is actually sailor Venus. Remember how Serena (Usagi for Japanese) always played sailor v games. Sailor v is sailor Venus and was found by Artemis (another talking cat like Luna).