Hiro Koda's birth name is Koda, Steven Hiro.
'Maid Sama!' was created and illustrated by Hiro Fujiwara .
Hiro - music producer - was born in 1985.
Mashima Hiro was born on May 3, 1977.
Mike He
The word "Hiro" is Japanese for "wide".
Hiro Hinata is the main character of the book Hiro's Quest
Hiro Koda's birth name is Koda, Steven Hiro.
A jinketsu is the Japanese word for hero. Another word is hiro.
Hiro Hinata is a chracter in the book series called Hiro's Quest. The book series is written by Tracey West. Hiro does not have a girlfriend in the series.
Norie Hiro was born in 1965.
Hiro-Kala was created in 2008.
Hiro - photographer - was born in 1930.
The population of Sidoumoukar-Hiro is 132.
Hiro Sachiya was born in 1936.
Hiro Saito is 5' 11".
Hiro Arikawa was born in 1972.