In the text, ATK stands for attack points ( In MMORPG's, such as RuneScape, etc. )
In "Text Talk" it means At The Keyboard
2400 atk 2000 def
"Dark Guardian" has the highest ATK (3800 ATK) of any Warrior-Type non-Fusion Monster that appeared in YGO! GX. "Gate Guardian" comes in second with 3750 ATK and "Destiny Hero - Dogma" is in third with 3300 ATK.
Copycat copies original ATK and original DEF. - if the ?/? monster has an effect that changes its own original ATK/DEF, then Copycat's ATK and DEF will be the modified values too. - if the ?/? monster does not modify its original ATK/DEF (ie, its effect modifies its current ATK only) then Copycat will copy the ?/? and become a 0/0 monster while in play.
Red Dragon Archfiend is ATK: 3000, DEF: 2000
In the Original series of yu-gi-oh Gx it was a e-hero deck (elemental Hero) the main cards being:Sparkman 1600 ATK/1400 DEFBubbleman 800 ATK/1200 DEFBurstinatrix 1200 ATK/800 DEFClayman 800 ATK/2000 DEFAvian 1000 ATK/1000 DEFIt also consists of many fusion monsters.In the new series the deck consists of neo-spacian monsters
In the text, ATK stands for attack points ( In MMORPG's, such as RuneScape, etc. ) In "Text Talk" it means At The Keyboard
In the text, ATK stands for attack points ( In MMORPG's, such as RuneScape, etc. ) In "Text Talk" it means At The Keyboard
Either "At The Keyboard" or "Aw Too Kind".
Yes. It will be destroyed by battle by anything that has an ATK of 1 or higher (A monster with 0 ATK cannot destroy another with 0 ATK even though they are equal and normally equal attacks mean mutual destruction.
if you mean printed, then it's obelisk. If you mean by effect then it's RA. Ra's ATK and DEF is equal to the total ATK and DEF of the 3 tribute monsters. if you take let me see... 3x armytile (HIGHLY UNLIKELY) then Ra's ATK would be 30.000. you can pay life points until you have 100 Life Points left. boosting it's ATK even more.
Obelisk the Tormentor has 4000 ATK.
2400 atk 2000 def
A monster with '?' ATK will be treated as having an ATK of '0' while it is face-up on the field, if no effect is currently giving it an ATK value. It will have 0 ATK for the purposes of Damage Calculation, and for any card that affects monsters below a certain ATK.
The X is a variable. In this case, "X" stands for the number of cards in your hand. so 10 cards, means X=10, which means X000 ATK = 10,000 ATK.
"Dark Guardian" has the highest ATK (3800 ATK) of any Warrior-Type non-Fusion Monster that appeared in YGO! GX. "Gate Guardian" comes in second with 3750 ATK and "Destiny Hero - Dogma" is in third with 3300 ATK.
use that ice some magic dusts first.use that icy atk and then normal atk then the icy atk and then magic dust(only if not enough energy for ice atk).and then all over again.
It has an 'undetermined' ATK and DEF, meaning it can't be searched for by cards that look for a specific ATK or DEF.Under some circumstances, it is considered to have '0' ATK and DEF. Such a sitation would be if it was attacked while Skill Drain is negating its ATK and DEF setting ability. For the purposes of Damage Calculation, it is considered to have 0 ATK and DEF.