Emily Louisa Merielina White was born in 1839.
They are in now way related at all. I think her cousin, "Emily" does look kind of like Emily Osment. Same first name, and same hair color.... Crazy coincidence I would say.
A white mustang
miley is 20 and Emily is 18 i mean miley is 21 look up on youtube and look at nude people
it looks like a sun in the middle and it has white petals
If you want to look like Emily Osment, you will need to have blonde hair. Emily likes to wear her hair down and somewhat curly.
'According to the novel that is entitled "The Bachelorette", Emily does like Ryan. In more than one occasion Emily tries to look for Ryan.
she looks like Tish Cyrus!
Emily Louisa Merielina White died in 1936.
Emily Louisa Merielina White was born in 1839.
look it up on ebay.com.
she doesn't your a doush=) happy you asked
like a white dog
it look just white to dogs but, it looks like purple to cats.:)
Yes white people fart like black people
Emily Browning is of Australian descent.