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Q1. A well- formulated strategy is vital for growth and development of any organization. Explain corporate strategy in different types of organizations.

Corporate strategy in small business:

Small business is generally operated in a single market or a limlited number of markets with a single products or a limitrd range of products. The nature and scope of operations are likely to be less of a strategic issue than in large organisations. Not much of strategic planning may be also be required or involved; and, the company may be content with making and selling existing products and generating some profits. In many cases, the founder or the owner himself forms the senior/top management and his (her|) wisdom gives direction to the company.

Corporate strategy in large business:

In large business or companies- wether in the private sector, public sector or multinationals-the situation is entirely different. Both the internal and and the external environment and the organizational objectives and priorities are different. For all large private sector enterprises, there is a clear growth perspective, because the stakeholders want the companies to grow, increase market share and generate more revenue and profit. For al such companies, both strategies planning and strategic management play dominant roles.

Corporate strategy in multinational:

Multinationals have a greater focus on growth and development, and also diversification in terms of both products and markets. This is necessary to remain internationally competitive and sustain their global presence. For example, multinational companies like general motors, Honda and Toyota may have to decide about the most strategic locations or configurations of plants for manufacturing the cars. They are already operating multi location (country) strategies and in such companies, roles of strategic planning and management become more critical in optimizing manufacturing facilities, resource allocation and control.

Corporate strategy on public sectors:

In the public sector companies, objectives and priorities can be quite different from those in the private sector. Generation of employment and maximizing output may be more important objectives than minimizing profit, stability rather than growth may be the priority many times. Accountability system is also very different in public sector from that in private sector. There is also greater focus on corporate social responsibility. The corporate planning system and management have to take into account all these factors and evolve more balancing strategies.

Corporate strategy on non-profit organizations:

In non-profit organisation, the focus on social responsibility is even greater than in the public sector. In these organisations, ideology and underlying values are of central strategic significance. Many of these organisations have multiple service objective, and the beneficiaries of service are not necessarily the contributors to revenue or resource. All these make strategic planning and management in these organisations quite different from all other organisations. The evaluation criteria also become different

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It had a secret message that said curdled cave

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βˆ™ 2y ago
how? could you show me in a image?

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Meryl Streep played in the role of Josephine Anwhistle .

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Q: What does Aunt Josephine's letter say in 'A Series of Unfortunate Events'?
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Is there going to be a 2 series of unfortunate events?

Well, I am only a fan so I'm not 100% positive, but I don't think so. I could try to write a letter to the author and ask, but I doubt he'll answer me, so I could just try to round up a group of friends and write our own sequel. Does that answer your question? Let me know if you want to be notified when we finally have our thing written!

How do you get the Nintendo event for the oak letter?

go to click on psylab on the left (your left) go down and click on Nintendo events and it will tell you

Where is oak's letter in platinum?

You can't find it. It is an item that you can only get from special Nintendo DS events, unless your friend trades you a Pokemon that is holding Oak's Letter.

Who is Dr Watson in 'The Case of the Purloined Letter'?

'The Case of the Purloined Letter' is an episode in the 1979-80 TV series titled 'Sherlock Holmes and Dr Watson' based on the Sir Arthur Conan Doyle characters.

What 80's cartoon characters begin with the letter n?

Numinor was a cartoon character in the 1981 animated TV series Ulysses 31

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Well, I am only a fan so I'm not 100% positive, but I don't think so. I could try to write a letter to the author and ask, but I doubt he'll answer me, so I could just try to round up a group of friends and write our own sequel. Does that answer your question? Let me know if you want to be notified when we finally have our thing written!

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