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Q: What doe scouting party see at the front gate in the hobbit?
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What did the goblins call the lower gate in the hobbit?

They called it the Front Door. The Back Door was the cave where the party had sheltered from the storm.

Who is Grubb in The Hobbit?

At the end of 'The Hobbit' Bilbo finds a large notice hung on his gate from Messrs Grubb, Grubb, and Burrowes regarding the auction of the late Bilbo Baggins Esquire. There were also various Grubbs (who were relations of Bilbo's grandmother) at the 'Long-Expected Party' in the beginning of 'The Lord of the Rings.'

Is the book The Hobbit the same thing as the book Raven's Gate?

They are two completely different books. No connection whatsoever. The Hobbit was written by JRR Tolkien and is a 'pre-quel' to The Lord of the Rings. Raven's Gate was written by Anthony Horowitzis and is the first book in The Power of Five series. However, there is both a raven and several gates in The Hobbit.

Why do the travelers leave the front gate?

they leave the front gate as the company fears that smaug might get back

Is 'Meet you at the front gate at ten' an imperative sentence?

"Meet you at the front gate at ten," is not an imperative sentence. It is not in the nature of an order. It is just a statement. The full form would be "I'll meet you at the front gate at ten."However, "Meet me at the front gate at ten!" is in the nature of an order, and therefore is an imperative sentence.

Who is responsible if you held a party and a gate-crasher caused damage to your neighbor's car?

The gate crasher! Gate crashing a party does not place the party's host in control of someone's actions; the gatecrasher does not surrender their free will and ability to act of their own volition when they choose to turn up at a party.

What does this idiom mean to gate-crash?

To 'gate crash' is to attend a party or function where you weren't invited.

How much does it cost to buy a front gate?

The cost of a front gate depends on many details, including the size of the gate as well as the materials used to construct the gate. Most local hardware stores carry several varieties of gates.

What are some important factors to consider when choosing a front porch gate for your home?

When choosing a front porch gate for your home, important factors to consider include the material of the gate for durability and aesthetics, the style of the gate to match your home's design, the size of the gate to fit the space properly, and the level of security and privacy the gate provides.

Which hall leads to the front gate?

The hall of Thror

What are the release dates for Songs Rain and Down by the Old Front Gate - 1928?

Songs Rain and Down by the Old Front Gate - 1928 was released on: USA: 1928

The brandenburg gate was associated with which 'wall'?

The Berlin Wall (1961-1990) ran right in front of the Brandenburg Gate.