go right a tiny bit tyhen take your handf off the keyboard then when you get past the things turn left and get into the bubble,, hope it helpedd :)
Charmander evolves into Charmeleon at level 16, then at level 36 he evolves into CharizardIt evolves into Charmaleon at level 16, then Charizard at level 34.
at level 14 then trade
squirtle evolves into wartortle at level 16
Abra evolves at level 16 and after the evolution it learns the Psychic move Confusion.
bounce off the right eye or just keep turning it right when it starts :P
rotate 360 then flat but quick
suck it
iDONT KNOW what the answer is i need to know so someone write the answer so i could no the answer
bounce off the right eye or just keep turning till you get into the bubble!,
suck it
You can't.
check your answer
rotate it so the ball rolls then WING it
you roll the thing until you hit the spikes
As soon as possible you have to hit the left arrow and the you have to get over the right circle and turn right fast.
first you have to be a man and then do what i did