Buy a pokedoll for her in the super mart, and she will teach one of your Pokemon mimic
At fuchsia city if you go to the Pokemon center the house to the left of the Pokemon center is the move deleter's house.
There is an old lady's house in Pokemon FireRed that has some boxes you can get past. The only way to get past them is to use the E reader hardware device.
The move deleter's house is right next door to the fuchsia city Pokemon center.
No, but if you get through the Safari Zone there is a house that has the HM03 Surf as a prize if you talk him.
There is no Wonder News in Pokemon FireRed, whatever that is.
You can trade an Abra for Mr. Mime in a house on Route 3 in Pokemon FireRed.
In the house you jerk!
Go to Mr Psychic's house
at your next door neighbors house
you get it in the house on silence bridge
At fuchsia city if you go to the Pokemon center the house to the left of the Pokemon center is the move deleter's house.
shes in a house in saffron city in kanto. [if you're talking about Pokemon heart gold and soul silver yes] I think it says ''copycats house'' or its just a normal house.
The secret house in the safari zone by the golden teeth
It is located in Fuchsia city and to the left of that city's Pokemon center
Next to pokemon center in fuchsia city i believe
The person is in a house to the left of the pokemon center.