If you're talking about the wiggly tree on the battle frontier, it's sudowudo. Use the wailmer pail on it and you can battle and catch it. After surf along the path and you'll end up in artisan's cave. I think there's a rare candy in there and a lot of smeargle.
that's emerald
You use the walmer pail or if you have any other game beside emerald Sapphire or ruby they have other water paIls its in the flower shop just before the bridge where Rustburo(spelled wrong) town begins theres one girl you have to talk to usually in the back of the shop once you get you go in front of that tree (exactly in front) and open your bag and use your item easy(hopefully you know how to use items) That s it
In Tropical Rianforests in the understory layer.
They remain motionless in trees in the canopy, usually close to or on other green vegetation.
In battle frontier. Go to south-eats part of the island and use wailmer pail on a weird tree.
it's a sudowoodo, water it with the wailmer pail, get that in rustboro flower shop
You find it after you fight the wiggly tree.
you get the squirtbottle at the flower shop and water the tree(which is Sudowoodo)
put the controller down and get a life!
The wiggly tree is actually Sudowoodo. You need to get the badge in Goldenrod City. Then you go to the Flower Shop (next to the gym) and get squirtbottle. Use the squirtbottle on Sudowoodo and it will attack you. Defeat it or catch it and you will be able to get past.
Emerald Tree Skink is also known as Luntian Na Bubuli.
No, but there is an Emerald Tree Boa that is very similar in appearance and diet to the Green Tree Python.
Yes! Emerald Tree Boas ,do have babies unless their boy snakes!
emerald tree boas can usually get up to 20 years old.
go to goldenrod city get the squirtbottle spray it on the wiggly tree and you battle sudwoodo
It's a Wiggly Wiggly World was created on 2000-03-20.
Like other snakes, an emerald tree boa is a member of the reptile family.