Adam Sandler has impacted us in a simple yet important way. He may not make the best critiqued movies, but he's brought us all a smile and a laugh in some way or another. Adam Sandler is a down to earth, family and friend orientated guy. His movies don't have a big bang, but he makes movies simply because he enjoys doing so with friends and just loves making people laugh. This inspires young kids to one day grow up and follow their passions and do what they enjoy doing just as he.
Adam Sandler
Where was Adam Sandler raised
Adam Sandler is Jewish
Adam Sandler is Jared Sandler's uncle; Jared is Adam's nephew. Adam Sandler came to speak at his nephew's high school graduation at Central in 2012.
Adam Sandler is in the movie but not Rob Schneider.
Adam Sandler
Adam Sandler Adam Richard Sandler
Adam Richard Sandler
Adam Richard Sandler
Adam Richard Sandler
Adam Richard Sandler.
Where was Adam Sandler raised
Adam Sandler is Jewish
Adam Sandler :-)
Adam Sandler is Jared Sandler's uncle; Jared is Adam's nephew. Adam Sandler came to speak at his nephew's high school graduation at Central in 2012.
Adam Sandler married to Jackie Sandler in 2003