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James Dougherty, Joe DeMaggio and Arthur Miller were Monroe's three husbands. More on Marilyn Monroe can be found by reading the Wikipedia article, and a link is provided. This post is generally an overview of the superstar's life and of her career. It "shows the highlights" and is a good place to get a thumbnail sketch of Norma Jean. Certainly there are dozens of books about her, including written material from both Dougherty and Miller. DeMaggio was the only husband of Monroe's who avoided interviews and publishers to keep his relationship with her private.

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16y ago

Husband 1: James Dougherty. Aircraft plant worker. Married 1942. Divorced 1946. Husband 2: Joe Dimaggio. Professional Baseball player. Married 1954. Divorced 1954. Husband 3: Arthur Miller. Playwright. Married 1956. Divorced 1961.

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13y ago

Jim Dougherty, Joe DiMaggio and Arthur Miller.

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