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Q: What cruel nickname does Carmelita Spats bestow upon the Baudelaire orphans?
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What is doting?

Dote means to express or bestow excessive fondness or love. It can also mean to show a decline in mental awareness. When dote is used as a noun it means decay of wood. An example of dote used in a sentence is they dote on their only little boy.

What parting gift did Bard bestow upon Thorin?

When Thorin was entombed in the Lonely Mountain, Bard laid the Arkenstone upon his breast.

What lvl are Byron's Pokemon on pearl?

Gym Battle 6 Bryon Canalave City Gym Leader Pokemon type - Steel Recommended Types - Fire and Water Canalave City Gym has four floor, but it's no straight-up climb. You'll need to take lifts up and down in order to navigate between the twisting walls until you finally reach Byron on the 4th FL. You will be hampered by seven Tariners scatered throughout the floors. When you finally reach byron, be prepared for a steel-type barrage that is easily countered with fire-, water-, ground- and fighting-type moves. For all your hard work, Byron will bestow upon you the Mine Badge and TM91, Flash Cannon! Party Pokemon of Byrons- Bronzor - Gender: Unknown - Level 36 - Type: Steel and Phychic. Steelix - Gender: Male - Level 36 - Type: Steel and Ground Bastidon - Gender: Male - Level 39 - Type: Rock and Steel.

What Pokemon moves are in the cute category?

As of Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire the moves that have been classified as being in the Cute category for Pokémon Contests would include Metronome, U-turn, Fling, Pluck, Copycat, Lucky Chant, Last Resort, Sing, Astonish, Slack Off, Block, Tickle, Block, Mud Bomb, Grass Knot, Captivate, Bug Bite, Hone Claws, Chatter, Soak, Entrainment, Simple Beam, After You, Bestow, Struggle Bug, Fake Tears, Covet, Water Sport, Bounce, Rest, Soft-Boiled, Protect, Flail, Return, Present, Baton Pass, Frustration, Return, Encore, Sweet Scent, Uproar, Fake Out, Façade, Follow Me, Wish, Role Play, Double Slap, Yawn, Assist, Mud Sport, Teeter Dance, Tail Whip, Sand Attack, Growl, Water Gun, Ember, Minimize, Sweet Kiss, Belly Drum, Mimic, Defense Curl, Mud-Slap, Charm, Rollout, Swagger, Withdraw, Lick, Milk Drink, Attract, Sleep Talk, Amnesia, Egg Bomb, Bubble, Barrage, Splash, Dizzy Punch, Sharpen, Snore, Substitute, Cotton Guard, Heart Stamp, Trick-or-Treat, Tail Slap, Draining Kiss, Disarming Voice, Play Nice, Play Rough, Happy Hour, Celebrate, Confide, Hold Hands, Nuzzle, Infestation and Baby-Doll Eyes.

When Queen Elizabeth I started her reign her first task was to restore law and order in England she also did two things that caused the pope to excommunicate her what were they?

The following two paragraphs are from the Bull against Elizabeth I issued by Pope St. Pius V in which he declares her excommunicate, and releases all subjects of the crown of England from any obedience to her, it was a bit more than just two things, the Holy Father, Pius V enumerates below: 1. In obedience to which duty, we (who by God's goodness are called to the aforesaid government of the Church) spare no pains and labour with all our might that unity and the Catholic religion (which their Author, for the trial of His children's faith and our correction, has suffered to be afflicted with such great troubles) may be preserved entire. But the number of the ungodly has so much grown in power that there is no place left in the world which they have not tried to corrupt with their most wicked doctrines; and among others, Elizabeth, the pretended queen of England and the servant of crime, has assisted in this, with whom as in a sanctuary the most pernicious of all have found refuge. This very woman, having seized the crown and monstrously usurped the place of supreme head of the Church in all England to gether with the chief authority and jurisdiction belonging to it, has once again reduced this same kingdom- which had already been restored to the Catholic faith and to good fruits- to a miserable ruin. . 2. Prohibiting with a strong hand the use of the true religion, which after its earlier overthrow by Henry VIII (a deserter therefrom) Mary, the lawful queen of famous memory, had with the help of this See restored, she has followed and embraced the errors of the heretics. She has removed the royal Council, composed of the nobility of England, and has filled it with obscure men, being heretics; oppressed the followers of the Catholic faith; instituted false preachers and ministers of impiety; abolished the sacrifice of the mass, prayers, fasts, choice of meats, celibacy, and Catholic ceremonies; and has ordered that books of manifestly heretical content be propounded to the whole realm and that impious rites and institutions after the rule of Calvin, entertained and observed by herself, be also observed by her subjects. She has dared to eject bishops, rectors of churches and other Catholic priests from their churches and benefices, to bestow these and other things ecclesiastical upon heretics, and to determine spiritual causes; has forbidden the prelates, clergy and people to acknowledge the Church of Rome or obey its precepts and canonical sanctions; has forced most of them to come to terms with her wicked laws, to abjure the authority and obedience of the pope of Rome, and to accept her, on oath, as their only lady in matters temporal and spiritual; has imposed penalties and punishments on those who would not agree to this and has exacted then of those who perserved in the unity of the faith and the aforesaid obedience; has thrown the Catholic prelates and parsons into prison where many, worn out by long languishing and sorrow, have miserably ended their lives. All these matter and manifest and notorius among all the nations; they are so well proven by the weighty witness of many men that there remains no place for excuse, defence or evasion.