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Q: What are the real life usage of ICT?
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ICT,, for the most part ICT is the "management/usage" Of IT. Telecommunication is The engineering Of the IT. "making designing the product/tool IT

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How has ICT changed your life?

i am connceting easly with my friends. and i can go anywhere i want by means of ict.

How does ICT make your life easier?


How does ict make life easier?


What is the difference between telecom engineering and electrical engineeribg?

i dont knw the answer thats why m asking from u stupid people

How ICT does affects lifes?

ICT (internet communication technology) helps us learn new stuff and makes life easier

What does model model mean in ict?

A model is someone who is into fashion and likes to try some clothes, and walk them on the catwalk!

What is adventage of ICT?

the advantage of ICT is simply that it makes our life much easier, much faster and in other words a bit more entertaining.

Why is ict a bad thing?

Because ICT sucks it's for people with no life who play games all day and also for geeks and nerds

How does ict help?

It is very use full in every day life