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The only distinguishable difference between the two is the whereabouts of certain Pokemon and the fact that they each have Pokemon that the other game doesn't.

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If you are really asking this question I think the appropriate answer would be to get a life


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Q: What are the differences between leaf green fire red?
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No only Fire Red and Leaf Green and trade it from Pokemon fire red and leaf green

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Transfer from leaf green\fire red or tade with platinum. Transfer from leaf green\fire red or tade with platinum. Transfer from leaf green\fire red or tade with platinum.

What are the different Pokemon in firered and leafgreen?

there aren't much differences, the differences you can spot are some pokemons change. eg. in fire red you get oodish, gloom---in leaf green you get bellsprout ,veepinbell instead there are also others like for growlithe you get vulpix instead you get slugma instead of magmar in leaf green and the pokemons of the elite four also changes in both the versions there are also many other pokemons you get in leaf green which you don't find in fire red.

How do you get chaizard?

If you have fire red or leaf green, You get the charmander for your starter pokemon, then you level it up to level 36. If you have ruby sapphire, or emerald, you trade it from Fire red of Leaf green. If you have Diamond or Pearl, you trade it from Fire red or Leaf green.

Where is a water stone in emerald?

There is not one, but you can attach it to a poke'mon from Fire Red or Leaf Green. Same with Fire stones. You can get unlimited stones from Fire Red and Leaf Green.

How many Pokemon are in LeafGreen?

There are 151 in total between fire red and leaf green

What Pokemon can you get in FireRed that you cant get in leaf green?

The Pokemon you can get in fire red and not leaf green are Electabuzz and Scyther.

How do you get metal coat emerald?

Trade from fire red or leaf green. On fire red and leaf green its found on memorial pillar (in the sevii islands).