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Q: What are common attributes of minkonde?
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What is the way to extract common behaviour and attributes from the given classes and make a separate class of those common behaviours and attributes?

1-Generalization2-Sub-type3-Extension4-SpecializationI think Answer is 1-Generalization.

What are the key attributes of an operating system?

There are a few key attributes of an operating system. The most common keys are scheduling, memory management and allocation of resources.

Physical features which all arthropods have in common?

some common attributes are: exoskeletons. 6 or more legs, and they are deathly affected by pyrethrin

What is attributes in database?

A relational database matches data by using common characteristics found within ... do this grouping is called a relational database management system (RDBMS). ...A relation is defined as a set of tuples that have the same attributes. ...

What are details about a file call?

They can go by several names: Document properties, statistics, or attributes are among the most common.

What does classes mean?

In Biological terms this means a number of things or organisms grouped by common characteristics, qualities, traits, or attributes.

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Care,life,ask and matter.

What are the attributes of development?

ment and its attributes

What are attributes in HTML?

Attributes are additional settings for tags to tell the tag what you want it to. Lots of tags can have several possible options as to what they can do, and the attributes tell it what it wants to do. The Body tag has attributes to do things like set the colour of the background of the body of the page. The font tag has attributes to tell it what colour the font should be, the size of the font and which particular font to use. If you are doing a line, you need to tell how wide it is and how thick it is, and also its colour. Colours being set is a common attribute in many fonts.

Is similar synonym of associate?

Yes, similar can be a synonym of associate when used to describe things or concepts that share common characteristics or attributes.

What are the attributes of development administration?

ment and its attributes