The cast of Alaska Patrol - 1949 includes: Paul Bryar as Cmdr. Braddock Richard Fraser as Operative Farrell James Griffith as Operative Dale William Haade as Anorus Ralf Harolde as Steele Selmer Jackson as Capt. Wright Emory Parnell as Capt. Jan Roburt Otto Reichow as Balser Gene Roth as Ehrlich William Tannen as Dajek Pierre Watkin as Mr. Sigmund Helen Westcott as Mary Lynn
Storm Troopers wear armor to protect them from blaster bolts. The helmets protect their heads.
they turned into storm troopers
its the fake kurakara town arc and the arc after it is called the zanpactou unknown tales arc where the zanpactou go against their masters. after that is the beast swords arc.....geez enough of the fillers
Star Wars Episode III-VIII Rise of the Troopers - 2007 was released on: USA: 17 May 2007 (DVD premiere)
I say yes because they have a electric gun that can kill lots of droids. Major Zeo: dude what electric gun ?...anyways arc troopers are the best of the best
No only the arc troopers that were in star wars 2 they were in kamino! u know that rainy place with the aliens with long necks that's were the arc troopers were hiding until the five-oh-first came to destroy the arc troopers and take there cloning devises!By rashidoh no sorry the arc troopers were good By Rashidone more thing i love star wars! by rashid
Echo and Fives
ARC Troopers? You dont know? Ill tell you anyway, they are specialy trained clones which are independent and often lead small groups of luitenants. (Sorry if I spelt luitenants wrong.)
ARC Troopers? You dont know? Ill tell you anyway, they are specialy trained clones which are independent and often lead small groups of luitenants. (Sorry if I spelt luitenants wrong.)
The arc trooper doesn't have an antenna, located on the sids of their helmet they have a rage finder. A range finder is an attachment that locate enimies and state the range of their location. They are also used for dark missions to see in the dark. They are used on mandolorieans like Jango Fett and Boba Fett. The clones also used these. Leater in wave 1 the arc troopers and commanders used this like captian Rex. So now you know what that is.
During the Clone Wars, Clone Troopers were clones bought by the Republic from Kamino. After the rise of the Empire, the Imperial Academy started training humans to take the place of clones. The uniforms and armor also changed during the period between Episode 3 and Episode 4.
all are believed to have been in the Service- the Army of France at the time, it is not known if they were Knights or Ground troopers, Infantry.
use a phase 2 helmet make a hole in it and then put in the antenna thingy and use sharpie for the armor and helmet
No, CPT. rex is not an arc trooper. any internet encyclepidia says so, and the fact that arc captains are red colored, while captain rex is blue. Major zeo: Actually rex is an arc trooper and all the other commanders in the clone wars are also arc troopers. Such as Cody and bly all the commanders in the clone wars were trained by arc trooper alpha and they graduated the arc commander program.
Arc troopers have antennas on their helmets to enhance their communication abilities on the battlefield. The antennas allow for better reception and transmission of signals, ensuring smoother coordination with their squad members and command.
Commander Fox is a Character in star wars. He is a clone trooper. in the first star wars the clone wars series he was the head of the arc troopers.