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If you mean the thirteen primes, 4 names have not been reveled but we do know nine of the names. The nine we know of is, Prima, Vector Prime, The Fallen, Nexus Maximus, Sky fall, Landquake, Breakaway, Topspin, Heatwave.

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optimus jazz bumblebee ironhide ratchet

megatron starscream blackout barricade bonecrusher brawl

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Q: What are all the names of the original transformers?
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What are all the names of the transformers from the 2nd transformers?

Autobots:Optimus PrimeBumblebeeRatchetIronhideArceeSideSwipeJetfireWhellieJoltDecepticons:MegatronThe FallenRavageSundwaveStarscreamBonecrusherBarricadeMixmasterLonghaulScrapperScavengerHightower

Need the names of all transformers movies?

There's Transformers, Transformers: Revenge of The Fallen, and Transformers: Dark of The moon.

Where is the autobots from Transformers the movie from?

Their names are taken from the original Autobots. (Cybertronians, or creatures from Cybertron, their home planet)

What are the names of all three transformer movies?

The first Transformers movie is called 'Transformers'. The second Transformers movie is called 'Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen'. The final Transformers movie is called 'Transformers: Dark of the Moon'. Your Welcome :) ...

What are the names of the transformers movies?

Transformers (2007) , Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen (2009) and Transformers: Dark of the Moon (2011) .

What is all names of the transformers in transformers 3?

The Autobots:Sentinel PrimeOptimus PrimeBumblebeeIronhideRatchetSideswipeWheelieBrainsDinoQueThe Wreckers: Roadbuster, Leadfoot,and TopspinDecepticons:MegatronShockwaveStarscreamSoundwaveRavageLaserbeakIgorDreads: Crowbar, Hatchet, and Crankcase

Did the dinobots ever combine into one in the original series?

No, They never combined. They were all separate Transformers.

What are the Transformor movies?

If you're asking for the names, there's: - Transformers - Transformers: Revenge of The Fallen - Transformers: Dark of The Moon

Who cusses in the original transformers movie?


Is there transformers 5?

Currently there is only a Transformers 1 and 2, but there are going to be 4 in all. There will be no Transformers 5, but we can tell you the names of # 3. Transformers 3: Attack of the Zines. There is no name for Transformers 4 yet. Transformers 3 will be released October 23, 2012. We are sorry for the wait, but our director quit. Jacob Gorden, 20th Century Productions.

What are the names of the transformer movies'?

'Transformers' , 'Transformers : Revenge of the Fallen' and the yet to be released (July 1st 2011) 'Transformers : Dark of the Moon' .

What areThe Transformers names all?

There are lot more here is just a small listAUTOBOTSoptimus prime bumblebeejazzirohideratchetmudflapskidssideswipejoltinfernoweelieDESCEPTICONSmegatron starscreambonecrusherblackoutthe fallendemolisherbarricadebrawlsoundwaveravagesidewaysejecterscalpelscorponokdevastatorcavengerhigh towerlong haulmixmasterrampagescrapper