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DO NOT USE GLITCH POKEMON CHEATS FOR THE GameShark. They will delete your game file, and could permanently corrupt your gameshark.

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Q: What are Pokemon Blue glitch Pokemon Gameshark codes?
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How do you get a Mew in Pokemon Crystal without gameshark or AR?

Get it at Blue, Yellow, or Red using the Mew Glitch and use the time-travel trade function.

How do you delete HM moves in Pokemon Blue?

There is no move deleter in Pokemon Blue - however, there are Gameboy Genie and GameShark codes to aid in the removal of HM moves from the early games.

What is the gameshark code for Pokemon sea blue edition?

pokemon blue sea

What is the misingo cheat for Pokemon blue for Game Boy color?

There are detailed instructions on how to catch this GLITCH here: "MISSING.NO" IS NOT A POKEMON AND HAS NEVER BEEN ONE. It is only a glitch of the game. Catching it is only asking to get your game messed up INDEFINITELY. Your PC box will be messed up, your Pokemon on hand will be messed up, it is not worth messing with that glitch AT ALL. To get it using gameshark: 014FD8CF IT IS NOT WORTH IT!!!!

What is MissingNO in Pokemon?

a glitch found in the original GBC red and blue versions of the game. its pic is of a question mark, and if you have a gameshark or whatever you can get one in your other Pokemon games, too. Missingno can also freeze up your game if you capture it.

How to glitch Pokemon Blue verison?

catch a Missingno

Can you use gameshark color on Pokemon Blue?

yes u can i do

Is there a gameshark code for having all of ash's Pokemon in your party for Pokemon red blue green and yellow?

No; in FR version, there is no level-up code. There is a code to get max Rare Candy codes, however.

How do you get all Pokemon in blue edition?

U can only glitch

What is the best Glitch City in Pokemon Blue?

cinabar island

Can you get missingno in Pokemon HeartGold?

No. Missingno is a glitch pokemon found in pokemon Red, Green, Blue, and Yellow.

How do you get out of the elite four glitch Pokemon Blue red?

ur a homosexual