The cast of Wynne and Penkovsky - 1985 includes: Hetty Baynes as Actress David Calder as Greville Wynne Harry Fielder as Red Face Paul Geoffrey as Prince Denys Hawthorne as Newson Christopher Rozycki as Oleg Penkovsky Michael Sarne as Russian interrogator Frederick Treves as James Fiona Walker as Sheila Wynne Dorota Zieciowska as Natasha
The cast of The Amulet - 2010 includes: Jordan Schorr as Elizabeth Wynne
The cast of La promesa - 2010 includes: Pablo Scola as The Man Margarita Wynne
The cast of The Television Follies - 1933 includes: George Carney as Father Wynne Gibson Jock McKay
The cast of Mourning Dew - 2012 includes: Emma Connell as Ella Gray Steve Hope Wynne as Patrick Gray
The cast of The Addict - 2007 includes: Shawna Davis as Moderator Steven McLaughlen as Morty Daniel Sontag as Leonard Bryan Wynne as Brian
Wynne and Penkovsky - 1985 TV is rated/received certificates of: Australia:M (video rating)
The cast of The Amulet - 2010 includes: Jordan Schorr as Elizabeth Wynne
The cast of Kinderpuppenspiel - 2011 includes: Gene Wynne as Old Man
The cast of Strange Wood - 2005 includes: David Wynne as Dave
The cast of The Last Date - 1998 includes: Steve Hope Wynne as Ben
The cast of La promesa - 2010 includes: Pablo Scola as The Man Margarita Wynne
The cast of Two Old Dears - 1973 includes: Wynne Clark Joan Hickson
The cast of The Television Follies - 1933 includes: George Carney as Father Wynne Gibson Jock McKay
The cast of Angelus Plaza - 2002 includes: Willemer Billie Wynne as As herself Miguel Borrayo as As himself
The cast of Morning Mist - 2010 includes: Steve Hope Wynne as Mr. Stuart Lydia Outhwaite as Lydie
The cast of The Birdcage - 2011 includes: Joseph Bonetti as Boy Suzanne Bonetti as Mother Steve Hope Wynne as Father
The cast of Sally in Our Alley - 1921 includes: Zoe Palmer as Sally John Stuart as The Man Bert Wynne