The cast of Sunshine Days - 2008 includes: Hiroshi Goki Mika Asamiya Satomi Doi as Narrator Takashi Hatsushiba Kanae Katsuno Mayu Kitaki Shunsuke Kubozuka Fukumi Kuroda Satoshi Matsuda Takashi Nagayama Kathy Nakajima Kazuki Namioka Aki Nishihara Ren Ohsugi Keita Saitou Makoto Sakamoto Kanji Tsuda as Narrator
The cast of Summer - 2006 includes: Peter Peralta as Leung
The cast of Winter Night - 2011 includes: Racine Russell
The cast of A Summer Flu - 2013 includes: Nikita Kapoor
The cast of Extreme Winter - 1991 includes: Brad Vancour as himself
The cast of Castro in Winter - 2012 includes: Fidel Castro as himself
The cast of The Summer After - 2012 includes: Konstadina Theodorou
The cast of Winter - 1988 includes: Pete Docter as Voice
The cast of Summer - 2006 includes: Peter Peralta as Leung
The cast of 4 - 2007 includes: Pekka Kuusisto as Himself - Winter Sayaka Shoji as Herself - Spring Niki Vasilakis as Herself - Summer
The cast of A Winter Tale - 2014 includes: Vincent Potuto
The cast of Endless Winter - 2012 includes: Amelia Coplan
The cast of Winter Night - 2011 includes: Racine Russell
The cast of Summer Days - 1920 includes: Matty Roubert
The cast of Summer - 1997 includes: Jon Friedman Evan Nelson
The cast of My Girl of Summer - 2009 includes: Zandra Webster
The cast of Summer in Ivye - 2001 includes: Kostas Smoriginas
The cast of Summer Moments - 1996 includes: Catarina Furtado