The cast of Amateur Night - 1915 includes: Jimmy Aubrey as Heinie Walter Kendig as Louie
The cast of Amateur Night - 1986 includes: Dennis Cole as Max Caan (talent scout) Geoffrey Deuel as Charlie (theater manager) Bob Haas as Lars Allen Kirk as T.H. Hill Trish Maznicki as Body Builder
The cast of Amateur Night in London - 1925 includes: James Barber as Swell Billy Caryll as Man in Box Jessie Hitter as Seria Belle Archie McCaig as Swell Comedian Tubby Phillips as Conductor Charlie Rego as Manager Billie Rego as Singing Fisherman Harry Rogers as Fiddler
The cast of A Night Out - 1981 includes: Joe Davis as Surfer Joe
The cast of Night Hunter - 2011 includes: Lillian Gish
The cast of Winter Night - 2011 includes: Racine Russell
The cast of Amateur Night - 1927 includes: William Demarest as Theatre Manager Bessie Love as Undetermined Role
The cast of Amateur Night - 2011 includes: Patricia Hitchcock as herself Alfred Hitchcock as himself Alma Reville as herself
The cast of Amateur Night - 1986 includes: Dennis Cole as Max Caan (talent scout) Geoffrey Deuel as Charlie (theater manager) Bob Haas as Lars Allen Kirk as T.H. Hill Trish Maznicki as Body Builder
The cast of Her Night Out - 1920 includes: Bartine Burkett
The cast of Night Out - 2003 includes: Sinead Corrigan
The cast of Night After Night - 2008 includes: Adam Lannon as Sam
The cast of Night After Night - 2012 includes: Monica Olive as Monica
The cast of Amateur Night in London - 1925 includes: James Barber as Swell Billy Caryll as Man in Box Jessie Hitter as Seria Belle Archie McCaig as Swell Comedian Tubby Phillips as Conductor Charlie Rego as Manager Billie Rego as Singing Fisherman Harry Rogers as Fiddler
The cast of Night after Night - 2009 includes: Frank Schoenerwald Jennifer Schwed
The cast of Night - 2011 includes: Guney Jafarova as Woman
The cast of In the Night - 1913 includes: Barbara Tennant as The Wife
The cast of Into the Night - 2012 includes: Atticus Connors as Arthur