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Vulpix/Ninetales, Meowth/Persian, Kabuto/Kabutops, Ledyba/Ledian, Teddiursa/Ursaring, Delibird, Skarmory, Mawile, Gulpin/Swalot, Lileep/Cradily, Latios (unless you get the Enigma Stone through an event), and Groudon.

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Q: What Pokemon are exclusive to Pokemon SoulSilver?
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What Pokemon does SoulSilver that Pokemon HeartGold doesn't?

Heart Gold exclusive pokemonMankeyPrimapeGrowlitheArcanineSpinarakAridadosGligarMantinePhanpyDonphanSableyeBaltoyClaydolKyogreMantikeGliscoreSoul Silver exclusive pokemonVulpixNinetalesMeowthPersianLedybaLedianTeddiursaUrsaringDelibirdSkarmoryMawileGulpinSwalotGroudon

Can you catch phanpy in Pokemon SoulSilver?

No, you can not catch Phanpy in SoulSilver. It is a version exclusive to HeartGold.

Where can you catch a skitty in Pokemon SoulSilver?

The pokewalker. It's a pokewalker exclusive Pokemon

Where can you find a Meowth in Pokemon HeartGold?

Meowth are Pokemon SoulSilver-exclusive Pokemon. In SoulSilver, they can be found on Routes 5-8, 38 and 39.

Where do you get growlithe in Pokemon SoulSilver?

Growlithe is a heartgold exclusive like vulpix is for soulsilver so your gonna have to trade to get one.

What Pokemon is coming out tomorro?

An exclusive Mew is coming out for mystery gift for the games Pokemon Heartgold/Soulsilver in Japan only.

How do you catch ursaring Pokemon HeartGold?

Ursaring and it's pre-evolution are exclusive to Pokemon SoulSilver and cannot be obtained in the HeartGold version.

Is Vulpix in Pokemon SoulSilver?

Vulpix is actually exclusive to Pokemon Soul Silver. I will put a link to the list of locations in the related links.

Can you do the gts beside someone on Pokemon soulsilver?

if you mean 'can you trade with someone NOT on soul silver' yes as long as it is a ds exclusive Pokemon game

Where to find the hm dive in Pokemon Silver?

There is no HM Dive in either Pokemon Silver/Gold or Heartgold/SoulSilver. It is exclusive to the Hoenn games.

How do you get a Reshiram on Pokemon HeartGold?

Reshiram is a Pokemon that is exclusive to the Black and White games; since Black and White were made after HeartGold and SoulSilver were released, it is impossible to get a legitimate Reshiram on your game.

Where do you get the blue orb in Pokemon SoulSilver?

Red Orb=GroudonBlue ORb=KyogreUnfortunatly, Groundon is exclusive to soulSilver, and Jygre is exclusive to HeartGold. So you will have to trade with can't you can only get the red orb and the jade orbif you want kyogre you will have to trade