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Red - Level Ball

Ylw - Moon Ball

Blu - Lure Ball

Grn - Friend Ball

Pnk - Love Ball

Wht - Fast Ball

Blk - Heavy Ball

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 12y ago

red ones make pokemon balls, blue makes great ball, and yellow makes ultra, and purple makes master

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βˆ™ 14y ago

There are no Apricorns that make Timer Balls.

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Which color apricorns make master balls?

Apricorns Don't make mater balls.

What does Kurt use to make poke balls?


Where do you get timer balls in Pokemon SoulSilver?

at cinnabar island there is a net ball 5 master balls in the hidden chamber (you need hidden power) and last but not least 5 timer balls!not sure but I think after you beat the league Kirt will use two different apricorns

What apricorns make which pokeballs?

Red Apricorns are used to make Level Balls which gives you a better chance at catching a Pokémon if your Pokémon in-battle is of a much higher level than it is, Yellow Apricorns are used to make Moon Balls which makes it easier to catch a Pokémon that evolves via a Moon Stone such as a Clefairy and a Jigglypuff, Blue Apricorns are used to make Lure Balls which makes it easier to catch Pokémon that you are Fishing for using the various Rods, Green Apricorns are used to make Friend Balls which starts your captured Pokémon's base happiness value at 200 instead of 70, Pink Apricorns are used to make Love Balls which makes it easier to catch a Pokémon of the opposite gender of your battling Pokémon, White Apricorns are used to make Fast Balls which catches Pokémon that have a high Speed stat and Black Apricorns are used to make Heavy Balls. The Heavy Balls will work the best if the Pokémon weighs more than 660 pounds.

What apricorn makes a net ball?

None. Apricorns don't make net balls!

What apricorn is the fast ball in Pokemon heart gold?

White apricorns make fast balls.

Where can you buy fast balls soul silver?

Answer:You cant buy fast balls, but you can have Kurt make them by giving him any number of Wht Apricorns in Azalea Town.

Where do you get timer balls in emreld version?

You can only buy timer balls in rustboro.

What apricorn do you need for a masterball in soul silver?

you must mean apricorns... apricorns DO NOT make master balls sorry

Where can you buy fast balls on soul silver?

U can't buy fast balls but u can buy quick balls or maybe get them out of apricorns

Where to get timer balls in Pokemon sappire?

Timer balls can be found in the Pokemart in Rustboro City

What is the beast pokeball besides masterball to catch groundon?

get alot of timer balls and ultra balls, about 50 ultra and 50 timer.use about 20 to 40 master balls on him then keep using timer balls on him(make sure you get him to yellow or red health).