Jimmy Swaggart is 76 years old (birthdate: March 15, 1935).
No, Jimmy Swaggart is still alive. He turned 79 years old in 2014.
Yes. Today he was back on their telecast. I have no clue why he was absent but he's back!
She never loved him. She was a cheater and had a child out of wedlock according to a family member of the father of the child
Jimmy Swaggart married to Frances Swaggart in 1952
The cast of Jimmy Swaggart - 1977 includes: Jimmy Swaggart as himself
Jimmy Swaggart was born on March 15, 1935
Jimmy Swaggart was born on March 15, 1935.
Jimmy Swaggart was born on March 15, 1935
Jimmy Swaggart married to Frances Swaggart in 1952
Jimmy Swaggart is not on a cult watch list.
Jimmy Swaggart is a/an Evangelist, singer, author, pastor, pianist
Yes, Jimmy Swaggart married to Frances Swaggart in 1952
Jimmy Swaggart Ministry is ran by Jimmy Swaggart.
Jimmy Swaggart is 76 years old (birthdate: March 15, 1935).
No, Jimmy Swaggart is not single.