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He developed the power to heal and regenerate naturally, he also had bone claws before the shiny metal ones. The adamantium that is fused to his skeleton was added later during human experimentation.

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

no xmen were born with their powers they grow into their powers

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βˆ™ 10y ago

Born with mutant powers

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Q: Was Wolverine born with mutant powers or made into a mutant?
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If Wolverine from X Men was born with mutant powers how did he become an adult if he does not age?

Wolverine from X-Men was not born with mutant powers. He was made that way by evil men.

Does wolverine have 4 claws or 3 claws?

Wolverine was born a mutant with a healing abillity and bone claws which could come out his knuckles. Later in life he was experimented on by wepon x, where he undergoed a prosiduer in which the unbreakable metal adamantium was covered over his skeleton, which he survived with his healing and made his bone claws covered in adamantium from then on.

What is X-men wolverine's skeleton made of?


What is wolverine archetype?

Wolverine is "the best there is'.. at what he does but as he will tell you; "What I do ain't very nice." Wolverine first appeared in The Incredible Hulk number 180 in October of 1984 and was created by Len Wein who was writing The Incredible Hulk at that time. Wolverine later joined the X-men first debuting with that merry band of mutants in Giant Sized X-Men number 1 and it was the famous teaming of John Byrne and Chris Claremont who carefully and meticulously crafted one of comic books most beloved and popular characters. John Byrne had insisted on making Wolverine much older than the rest of the X-Men roster and while a mutant like the others his age and "bezerker rage" made him distinctly different from all the others. More commonly known amongst his peers as Logan, Wolverine came to typify the comic book anti hero of comic books that found its footing in the 80's. Since Logan joined the X-Men he has been central to every title and has carried his own solo title since 1988. The feral mutant has the ability to heal at a very rapid rate and is nearly indestructible. Especially since his association with the Weapon X program which is a sort of super solider program that applied adamantium metal to his bone structure which makes Logan pretty much unbreakable. He possesses the razor sharp senses of an animal and that combined with his razor sharp adamantium retractable claws makes him a formidable opponent.

What is wolverine's brother name?

Wolverines brother is john howlet, in the Wolverine movie they made John from the Origins story to be Sabertooth in the Movie version, this is not true to the comics. Sabertooth was an old friend who worked on missions with Wolverine, nothing more.

Related questions

If Wolverine from X Men was born with mutant powers how did he become an adult if he does not age?

Wolverine from X-Men was not born with mutant powers. He was made that way by evil men.

Is wolverine sronger then Batman?

Yes. He has a skeletal structure made of adimentiam, & he is already stronger then a normal guy. Wolverine is a mutant, Batman is merely a human. Mutants of the X-Men variety tend to be at the high end of humans for most things, even if that is not their power. They are like athletes even before considering their powers. And the earlier answer also brings-up a good point, the adamantium skeleton can't hurt.

Who would win in a fight magnito or wolverine?

wolverine has super healing powers ...his claws ar man made....and he also has bones made of adamantium(indestructable metal) ....which..unfortunatley would help magnito if they ever faught magnito has the power to twist, bend , morph and destroy any type of metal and wolverine has metal id they faught..magnito would win.. he would just pull wolverine apart of rip his bones out

Who is Dantello - where and when was he born?

Donatello is a teenage mutant ninja turtle. The series was made in nineteen ninety six. The teenage mutant ninja turtles are around sixteen years old. therefore Donatello was probably born in nineteen eighty.

Why was wolverine created?

Wolverine was created to make a good actor in the x-men series and was made or based of the animal called the wolverine

How was a human made?

Monkeys had a strange mutant child who was smarter than anyone else. The mutant child then had more mutant children who were the first humans.

How are Super Mutant Behemoths made?

in fall out

Does wolverine have 4 claws or 3 claws?

Wolverine was born a mutant with a healing abillity and bone claws which could come out his knuckles. Later in life he was experimented on by wepon x, where he undergoed a prosiduer in which the unbreakable metal adamantium was covered over his skeleton, which he survived with his healing and made his bone claws covered in adamantium from then on.

What is X-men wolverine's skeleton made of?


What metal did they use to form wolverine's blades?

There made of Adamantium.

What weapon does the character Wolverine have attached to his body?

Wolverine has three metal claws made of adamantium attached to the bones of each arm. Wolverine also has the ability to heal himself from almost any wound.

What was the made for TV movie in the 90's that was a futuristic mutant movie that took place after the Mutant X team had passed away?
