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He Instinctively knows using the powers of the force, and with his experiences in cloud city (Episode V)

He confirms this while conversing with Yoda on his death bed and with Obi-Wan's Ghost. (Episode VI)

Go see the movies for a more clearer answer.

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Anakin Skywalker does not have a sister. His son Luke Skywalker does (Leia Organa).

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Q: Was Luke Skywalker sad when he found out Leia was his sister?
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Where was princess leia born?

anikin skywalker;biological bail organa;adopted

How did luke sky walker kill jabba?

Luke Skywalker didn't kill Jabba. It was Princess Leia who killed him. She actually choked him to death with the slave collar chain she was wearing.

What relation does Obi Wan Kenobi have to Anakin?

Yes, Luke Skywalker is Anakin Skywalker's son. If you watch the SW triliogy in the order they were released, you are first introduced to Luke. Episodes IV-VI are prequels, so they are in "the past". In these episodes, Anakin is already Darth Vader.In Episodes I-III, we are introduced to Anakin, still a young boy. Luke has not been born yet. At the end of Episode III, Padme (Anakin's wife) gives birth to Luke and his twin sister Leia.

Who is better anikan skywalker or anikan solo?

Doubtless some will say Anakin is better, others will say Luke is better. A matter of personal preference; it is. According to the Star Wars Storyline: Luke Skywalker is the only son of Anakin Skywalker and Padme' Amidala. Leia Organa, later known as Leia-Organa Solo following her marriage to Han Solo, is the only daughter of Anakin and Padme'. Padme' Amidala died giving birth to Luke and Leia Skywalker. Of course, as we all know, Anakin Skywalker traveled to Mustafar where he battled with his former mentor, Obi-Wan Kenobi. He was defeated. Shortly thereafter he was transformed into the infamous Darth Vader. The rest, as they say, is history.

Is Luke Skywalker a saint?

No. Luke Skywalker is a fictional character.

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Who is Luke Skywalker's daughter?

Yes. You find out in Return of the Jedi (VI).

Who is Luke Skywalker's sister?

Leia Solo or Princess Leia. She's married to Han Solo.

Was Luke Skywalker sad when he found leia was his sister?

No. He was surprised at first, but then of course, he came to love her like all siblings do

Who are Darth Vader's children?

Darth Vader, who's real name is Anakin Skywalker, has two children, twins. They are Luke Skywalker and Leia Organa (Princess Leia). They were separated at birth after the death of their mother. By a twist of fate, both of them end up fighting against their own father.

Who played princess leia's dad?

Yes since Leia is Luke's twin sister and Darth Vader is Luke's father, that makes Vader Leia's father as well.

Did Darth Vader have a daughter?

Yes. Princess Leia is Darth Vader's daughter and Luke Skywalker's twin sister.

Who were Luke and Leia Skywalker's parents?

Anakin and Padme Skywalker (née Naberrie).

Who could beat Luke Skywalker?

Yoda or leia.

Was it weird when Luke Skywalker kissed Leia Organa?

As though "slave Leia" were a separate character than regular Leia. But no, Leia did not kiss Luke while she was Jabba's slave girl.

Why are Luke and leia separated at birth?

Luke and Leia were separated so that Emperor Palpatine could not sense that they were Anakin Skywalker's children.

Which one saved Princess Leia Luke or Anakin?

Luke Skywalker and Han Solo

In the Star Wars saga who was the fraternal twin of Princess Leia?

Luke Skywalker