Kryptonite. it is little pieces of the destroyed world of krypton. these little pieces went through radioactive cosmic clouds. and this radioactivity is stronger than superman can stand, being one of his only 2 known weaknesses. the other is magic, wick effects him as it does most mortals. just ask zatanna.
Superman win ,war could not stand chance against him,if superman is capable of takin 1000000tone of building and he recharge his power from the sun comon just superman is weak against the jewel in green
That's tricky well Flash can move any part of his body fast so maybe he can "stand" on his arms and use them as feet and win, but it depends if he can balance himself. Superman can fly regarless if he's missing his knees. For superman to it depends how fast he can fly.I think superman would win.
utimate superman (strongest) superman prime one million superman prime superboy prime sowrd of superman cosmic armor superman all star superman sun dipped superman aplopit cyborg superman evil cyborg superman cyborg superman steel superman modern age blue superman eradicator superman red/blue ultraman bizzoro ad superman ga superman sa superman green latern superman pre crisis superman (weakest)
ultimate superman (strongest) superman prime one million superman prime super man with sowrd of superman tough robot superman all star superman cosmic super man silver superman pre crisis superman normal superman (weakest)
superman toys
The total dollar amount of all Superman related merchandise or Superman "stuff" is incalculable.
Yes it does
sm means short messaging
Superman: The Movie Superman 2 Superman 3 Superman 4: The Quest for Peace Superman Returns There's also Superman: Doomsday which isn't part of the live action series. It's a stand alone animated version.
it might stand for shutup.
no shedose not really she does not any boy stuff ,she likes boys but not boy stuff.
One can purchase Superman pictures from many different stores and retailers. Some examples that sell Superman pictures include Amazon, BigStockPhoto, and Superhero Stuff.
Superman isn't real.
Superman win ,war could not stand chance against him,if superman is capable of takin 1000000tone of building and he recharge his power from the sun comon just superman is weak against the jewel in green
Depends on the version of superman you are using.
A shop stand where an individual person sells stuff?