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well my beloved friend it does fuging

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Q: Pokemon soul silver cheat delete evrithing in your bag?
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What is a cheat for making the previous file appear on Pokemon soul silver?

there is no cheat, i know even though i have heartgold once you delete a file you cant get ano ther back.

What is the Pokemon soul silver catch any Pokemon cheat?

yeah i did a cheat of garitina

How do you enter cheat codes in Pokemon silver?

by entering cheat codes

How do you get a shiny Pokemon in soul silver?

Fight tons of Pokemon or cheat

How can you cheat at voltorb flip on Pokemon SoulSilver?

There is no way to cheat at voltorb flip on Pokemon soul silver that I can see.

How do you get every Pokemon in silver without trading?

you cheat

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Do you have cheats for Pokemon Silver?

Do you need a cheat for Pokemon crystal? cuz I have thoze.

How do you do the clone cheat in Pokemon Silver?

u cant only in Pokemon emerald

Can anyone make an action replay cheat that makes your Pokemon on Pokemon Pearl not shiny?

If you want your Pokemon to not be shiny then just delete the shiny cheat or turn it off. Then start the game and your Pokemon should be not shiny.

What cheat code do you use to get snivy in Pokemon soul silver?

You can not use a cheat code you have to do it by work

How do you cheat with a action replay in Pokemon HeartGold?

Delete EVERYTHING from your bag , then use cheat. [cannot work if you have all16 gym badges]