In Pokemon platinum there are three lake Pokemon they are:mesprit, azelf and uxie.
1.Mesprit is a travelling Pokemon so you have to find it and use mean look on it to keep it in battle or else it runs away.
2.uxie you just have to catch like any other ordinary Pokemon but you have to surf across the lake to get to it.
3.Azelf is the same as uxie, you catch it normally.
you have to use the pokeradar at the grass patches at the three lakes.
it's in lake verity
you can catch lake Pokemon after you free them in the team galatic veilstone HQ building in the 3 lakes of sinnoh at (snowpoint city uixie in lake acuicty cavern around pastoria city in lake valor cazern for azelf and mesprit is around twinlesf town in the lake verity cavern)
You catch Garatina, Dialga,Palkiia,and all the lake Pokemon but mainly Garatina
you catch it at lake varity with the three of them mesprit uxie azelf
you don'tthey're at galactic HQ in veilstone after explosion
you have to battle Giratina in distortion world and then you can battle them
lake acuity
In The Middle Of The Lake Like All The Lakes.
the three lake Pokemon will tell you where to move them by which way they float
you have to use the pokeradar at the grass patches at the three lakes.
You don't
you need to have been to lake acuity and then the team galatic headquaters in veilstone city.
fire-type pokemon.
it's in lake verity
by snowpoint city.