Onix evolves into Steelix by giving it a metal coat and trading it with someone.
onix evolves with a steel coat or something that you give to the luminous cave shrine.
It doesn't evole at a level, it evolves into Steelix when traded holding a Metal Coat.
he doesn't evolve at a level, you have to get the metal coat and trade it. then he evolves.
Steelix is a Steel and Ground type pokemon.
Onix can only evolve through trading it with metal coat on at any level.
Level: Onix Evolves By Trading.
Onix does not evolve at a level but with an item. You have to give it the metal coat and trade it so it evolves.
If you mean,, what onix evolves into,, it's steelix,, but the is no Pokemon that evolves into onix
Onix evolves at lvl 100,99 or lvl 30 i think;O
Onix does not evolve by level, it evolves into Steelix by trade whilst holding a metal coat.
onix evolves when u trade it with an item called Metalcoat
If you mean Onix, nothing evolves into onix
diglett evolves into dugtrio, onix is its on Pokemon that evolves into steelix using metal coat.
It Doesnt Evolve It Evolves If You Give It Metal Coat And Trade It To Someone.
Onyx only evolves when you trade it holding Iron Coat
There is no Pokémon that evolves into Onix.
onix dose not evolve!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (quote of above comment) yes it does it evolves into steelix! onix evolves after trade holding metal cover