Percy was her name.
101 dalmations
The name of the maid in 101 Dalmatians is Manny.
There were 101 dalmatians:99 puppies and 2 parents
Perdita was the mom and Pongo was the dad.
Yes, Pongo and Perdita were the parents of the puppies. Roger and Anita were their owners.
Yes they did...yea!!
Pongo and Perdita.
101 including the 2 parents, pongo and perdita
Percy was her name.
In 101 dalmations the parents names are Pongo and Perdita, but in 102 dalmations, the parents names are Dipstick and Dotty. Dipstick is one of the puppies from 101 dalmations. 102 is when he grows up and has three puppies.
101 dalmations
Seargent Tibbs
Jasper and Horace Badun .
The dalmatian that is always hungry is named Rolly. (He is my favorite puppy in 101 Dalmatians!)