Victor and Margaret Meldrew from One Foot in the Grave. They moved because 37 Wingate Crescent was demolished at the start of series 2.
He moved to America when he was seven years old.
He moved out of his farm because his dad Elias was to worried that the farm would not survive because Walt's 2 older brothers Herbert and Raymond moved so there was not enough people working on the farm.
They moved to Fresno.
Uriah has been moved to the big house becuase the his master wanted him to be his servent but Uriah thought that the master was his dad.
my guess is that he moved i after Mattie's father died because he wanted to be closer to his family and maybe Mrs. Cook thought that she needed help.
Actually, Constantine moved it to Byzantium. He moved there because he thought it had a unique and beautiful background for his people.
Victor and Margaret Meldrew from One Foot in the Grave. They moved because 37 Wingate Crescent was demolished at the start of series 2.
The fragment is "Juan moved to a new school" because it does not express a complete thought and lacks a subject or a verb.
He moved to America when he was seven years old.
Reece Mastin and his family moved from England is because of the continous wet and cold weather.
people moved to Maryland because it was the best recored
Because they thought that they had a better supply of fresh water and because they knew it was deep enough to dock ships. (english)
Describe a time when your family moved to a new home
They thought he might be dead because he had not moved out of his chair for the longest time. They poked him with the stick and he finally moved, and still they kept poking him with the stick.
she was born in oxford England 1935 and moved to New Zealand in 1974
Because kids were automatically unpayed farmhands until they moved out.