Mewtwo, Zapdos, Articuno, Alakazam, Dragonite, Gyrados, Machamp, Rhydon, Primeape, Moltres.
route 23
Suicune can be found anywhere where grass is the best route is route 1.
There are a few Jigglypuff in Route 3.
its on route 108
you can only see the map of the area you are in
look on your map
In the power plant under route 10 you have to surf to it.
You can find it on Route 3, about 10% of the time.
Simply follow route 10 until you reach a Pokemon center with a bunch of cuttable trees near it. It's east of Cerulean city if you look at your map. The entrance to the cave is to the left of the Pokemon center.
The earliest route you can get it at is Route 4.
Route 22
Just take I-10 EAST to Tucson.
You get a map from Celio, on one island.
NO,but the map,the gym is the same as Pokemon firered.
route 23
route 23
route 3or4