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You make a pokemon level X in pokemon HG or SS but a level X is a level 100 but it wont say level X for the level
Level X Pokemon are like evolving your Pokemon. A Pokemon LV. X Uses the attacks on the card, plus all the moves it had before. You can evolve LV. X into regular cards. Example: I have an Abra card. I level it up using an Abra LV. X card. Then, I can evolve it into a Kadabra. A LV. X card counts as its previous level, so I can have 2 Abra and 2 Abra LV. X, but not 4 Abra and 4 Abra LV. X. Pokemon EX cannot transform into or be transformed from regular cards. So, I cannot Turn a Salamence into a Salamence EX or vice versa. A Pokemon EX MUST evolve from a Pokemon EX. Unlike LV. X, EX does not count as the same card as its regular form. So, I can have 4 Salamence and 4 Salamence EX. Also, After defeating a Pokemon EX you pick up 2 prize cards instead of 1. It would seem EX is rarer
There is no level X pichu or pikachu because only the fully evolved pokemon can be level X.
No. Level X is a Trading Card Game thing. It's not in the games. Unless you mean level 24, in which case, sure.
huh? huh?
what the...
Level 100 is level X
Only in the cards. *quirkles*
You can't. LevelX Pokemon were only on Pokemon cards.
My Brother!!!
no that is only for cards
no. It just means there lv 100s
Level X on cards means exactly the same as level 100 so you just train a Pokemon upto level 100 but unfortunately it doesnt say level X it says 100.
go to the shop and wall over
pokemon can not become level x on the games. only on cards