If you got the fossil containing Kabuto, it will evolve into Kabutops at lvl 40.
The only way to see or obtain a Kabutops is through trade in your instance. Perhaps someone will trade you a Kabuto or Kabutops if it's a Kabuto you will need to train it to level 40 for it to evolve to Kabutops.
Yes depends on how strong your kabutops is if its level 100 you have the best chance to win usually mewtwo has bad defense so exploit that weakness by teaching kabutops physical attacks and usually kabutops has good attack so that will help you win.
You can find Kabutops in Dangerous Cliff in Mitonga Island
Kabutops is in the upper portion of the sky temple. To reach it, you must use your Mewtwo to beam you up to a secret level of the sky temple. Once you have done this, you will see a sign. Walk towards the sign, and a wild Kabutops will appear. If you do not have a Mewtwo to beam you up, you will not be able to battle the Kabutops. Best of Luck!
The only way to get Kabutops is to raise a Kabuto to Level 40. You can get a Kabuto by getting a Dome Fossil from underground and then taking it to the scientist in the Oreburgh Mining Museum to have it resurrected.
No you have to get the armor fossil and revive it then evolve it to a kabutops
The only way to see or obtain a Kabutops is through trade in your instance. Perhaps someone will trade you a Kabuto or Kabutops if it's a Kabuto you will need to train it to level 40 for it to evolve to Kabutops.
Yes depends on how strong your kabutops is if its level 100 you have the best chance to win usually mewtwo has bad defense so exploit that weakness by teaching kabutops physical attacks and usually kabutops has good attack so that will help you win.
you can't you have to get the dome fossil from firered/leafgreen and them trade it to your game...hope that helps!
You'd probably need to trade for Kabutops.
You can find Kabutops in Dangerous Cliff in Mitonga Island
Before leaving mt moon, choose the dome fossil. Take it to the scientist (on cinnabar i think), and he'll revive your fossil into a Kabuto. Train it to level 40 and it'll evolve :D
dangourus cliff
Yes. Kabuto (a Rock/Water type pokemon) can evolve into Kabutops (also a Rock/Water type pokemon) at Level 40.
the sky fortress
No, you cannot find cyndaquil in LeafGreen.
u cant.u can only obtain one if u selected the dome fossil in mt moon after beating the super nerd and then evolve kabuto after reviving it