Julie Andrews has 5 children
Julie Andrews's first child, Emma Katherine Walton-Hamilton, was born on November 27, 1962.
She married Blake Edwards on November 12th, 1969.
Julie Andrews is a/an Actress,singer,dancer,author
They are not related. Julie's surname at birth was Wells.
No, Julie Andrews is not single.
Yes, Julie Andrews has 5 kids.
Julie Andrews has 5 children
Julie Andrews has 5 children
Julie Andrews's first child, Emma Katherine Walton-Hamilton, was born on November 27, 1962.
She married Blake Edwards on November 12th, 1969.
Julie Andrews was born on October 1, 1935.
Julie Andrews was born on October 1, 1935.
Julie Andrews was born on October 1, 1935
Julie Andrews is a/an Actress,singer,dancer,author
Julie Andrews is the result of an affair her mother had a family friend.
They are not related. Julie's surname at birth was Wells.