Because he hates the feeling of it probably. Escpecially the xmen plane as its always swerving `round enogh to make anyone feel sick and war planes wern`t the most stable anyway. I thing this makes him even cuter though!
Wolverine World Wide makes Wolverine industrial boots
Yes. It is called The Wolverine. Hugh Jackman plays Wolverine when Wolverine travels to Japan to train with a samurai warrior.
wolverine by far
There are currently two Wolverine movies that have been released but there is an unnamed Wolverine movie set to be released in 2017 . In 2009, X-Men Origins: Wolverine and in 2013 The Wolverine movie was released. The character Wolverine has appeared in almost 60 movies and TV shows.
Ultimate Wolverine was created in 2001.
afraid of heights
She's afraid of flying.
Flying in airplanes... He takes the train...
Personly I'm fine with flying but its normal if your afraid. Lots of people are afraid of flying. If you think you need help then i suggest going to see a Psychiatrist
its calle being afraid of flying :):):)::):):):):):):):)::
Flying in airplanes... He takes the train...
Apparently she was never afraid of flying, she made many historic solo flights.
You can go by boat, but it's not cheap.
flying on an airplane