Main problem is dehydration. Water, aspirin, Vitamin B. Gatorade can help.
Luke gave the flying sneakers to Percy, hoping that he would get hurt. Percy gave them to Grover, having a bad feeling about them. The sneakers were uncontrollable.
Sorry, you should go over the pokesav website on how to not get a bad egg.
a shinka is a big fat dude that has pimples all over his body and his poops go bad they turn evil
No. Like any sort of hobby, just don't let it take over your life.
Because you're an adult and when you have kids, what are you going to teach them
I THINK dogs do know when your feeling bad because when I'm upset my dogs come over and try to comfort me.
A hores shoe hung over the door in a U shape is supposed to be good luck but an upside down one is bad luck.
not too bad! it is a weird feeling but it is over fast.
Depends on the person if he/she feels bad. Feeling bad is a natural phenomenon of a human.
The Chinese have many superstitions. To ward off bad luck, a white cloth is hung over the doorway to a house.
bad you would not wanna be feeling like that
I am bad (feeling bad)
Unfortunately, no. Although you may be feeling bad and wanting to throw up, you still need to eat to gain back all the nutrients you have lost since the baby acquires its nutrients from the mother.
The duration of What's So Bad About Feeling Good? is 1.57 hours.
"Going Down the Road Feeling Bad" is a traditional folk song of unknown origin. It has been performed and recorded by various artists over the years, including the Grateful Dead, Woody Guthrie, and the Carter Family.
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