No, actor Chris Tucker is still alive.
The British actor Nick Berry is still alive.
Actor Matthew Laborteaux is still alive as of September 2011.
The English actor John Wood is still alive, is 81 years old, and lives somewhere in England.
Do you mean Bryan Brown? If so, then yes.
Chris is an American singer, dancer and actor who was born on May 5, 1989. As of September 1, 2014, Chris Brown is still alive.
No, actor Chris Tucker is still alive.
He is still alive
Yes he is still alive
Peter Breck, born in 1929, is still alive, but according to his wife (on his website, June, 2010) he has symptoms "consistent with early Alzheimer's disease". He passed away on February 6, 2012.
If you are referring to Doc or his actor Christopher Lloyd, neither died.
yes she is still alive
The British actor Nick Berry is still alive.
Actor Matthew Laborteaux is still alive as of September 2011.